News / The Masters

John Daly keeping it real in the Augusta Hooters Parking lot, signing chick's asses


John Daly is the definition of a guy who just doesn't give a fuck.  It's called a "No Fucks Given" attitude and Daly has been the president of the club for over two decades now.  It's always nice on The Masters week to see Daly selling his merch in the Hooters parking lot up the street from Augusta National.  It's become a tradition unlike any other.  I'm not even shitting on it.  Hell I participated a few years ago when I drove out to Augusta and hung out with the living Arkansas legend himself for a few moments with a cold Bud Light talking merch with him.  Next thing you know Daly takes a few of these road beef golf broads into his Winnebago and teaches them how to fore play with his bag of balls.  Respect.  And now Daly is signing his Hancock all over their butts.  The legend lives on...

Get some Augusta merch y'all!



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Rory McIlroy's brought his ace caddie today to Augusta National, his wife Erica Stoll

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Rory McIlroy is a 29-year-old professional golfer who happens to be a four-time Major champion but even if one of those doesn't include the elusive green jacket Rory is clearly a winner just by looking at his gorgeous caddie in Augusta this week. As you can see it's his wife, Erica Stoll, who brought her A+ smile game to the Masters practice round. Will lady luck finally pay off for Rory at Augusta National?  It remains to be seen as long as he keeps Dustin Johnson and Tiger Woods away!

Let's take a look at Erica...

Find someone who looks at you the way Erica looks at Rory and you will be hitting hole-in-ones for the rest of your life.  Also doesn't hurt to have about $130 million in the bank.




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Video of Shooter McGavin Ripping Bong Hits on Masters Weekend

I don't care what people say Shooter McGavin is a damn national treasure. Of course Shooter is ripping bongs with college kids during The Masters because that's what Shooter does. They aren't going to kick him off the tour. He's Shooter McGavin and the rest of the crowd can go back to their shanties. McGavin doesn't spend as much time in the sand as David Hasselhoff as Doug knows about, he just rips bongs and throws shooter signals out while yelling out "Fuck Yeah!" Shooter McGavin is one of the all-time great villains in not only a comedy but any movie.  Shooter eats pieces of shit for breakfast and rips bongs like a champion.

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